Saturday, August 13, 2011


When I combined my weak hives two weeks ago, I removed a few frames that had capped honey. I extracted the honey and had a few jars of honey. Yummy!

My Apiary!

Howdy! Everything here is good. I had to combine two hives because they were weak but otherwise all is fine. I really enjoy working with my bees. It is a time with no phones, kids, or anything else screaming at me.

Here I am working in what has turned out to be my best new hive.

Look at all those bees. The heat here was hard on them but they seem to have been able to pull through it.


We bottled pickles. This should be just enough for a year for us. They are so good!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011



This is a blog to let you see what we are doing here in the Midwest on the farm.
I have been thinking about creating this blog for quite sometime now. My other blog ( still works. I just want to have a blog that is for our outdoor activities.

One of the hobbies that I am interested in is Beekeeping. Here is a picture of me, teaching children about what a beekeeper does.

Happy Reading!